AD-DSL Solutions
The Aerospace and Defence Declarable Substance List (AD-DSL) consists of approximately 1,200 substances commonly used in aerospace and defense products. Assent’s AD-DSL solution uses the list to help you get standardized, validated, and usable data from deep in your supply chain.

Our Customers
Assent has helped hundreds of companies. We’re proud to work with the following organizations.

Understanding the Aerospace & Defence Declarable Substances List
The AD-DSL standardizes the substances that aerospace and defense manufacturers must report on, improving the quality of data collected from deep in the supply chain, lowering the cost of acquiring that data, and boosting cross-enterprise and cross-supply chain collaboration. This eBook covers how it’s changing the aerospace and defense industry and what other tools exist to help, including the IPC-1754.
Get the Ebook
Solutions for Product Compliance
Explore our solutions for getting standardized, validated, and usable product compliance data from your supply chain.