The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is transforming the global market, and manufacturers and importers need to adapt quickly. As of August 1, 2024, relying on default emissions values is no longer an option — now you must ensure that at least 80% of your CBAM reports are backed by primary data. Join us for a live session where our experts help you cut through the noise and tackle this challenge head-on.

We’ll walk you through the CBAM requirements and dive into the reporting tools that can make your life easier. We’ll show you exactly how our survey works, live on screen, focusing on the features that really make a difference in your program.

You’ll also learn:

  • About CBAM’s impact on your business
  • How to collect crucial primary emissions data from complex supply chains
  • How the Assent CBAM solution can take your sustainability efforts to the next level


  • Sue Fortunato-Esbach, Manager, Regulatory & Sustainability 
  • Devin O’Herron, Senior Sustainability Expert 
  • Jackie Romanetti, Senior Product Manager

Can’t make it live? No worries! Sign up, and we’ll send you the recording and slides after the event.