Accordi commerciali internazionali
Protect your global market access and start using trade agreements to your advantage.
Codici doganali (HS/HTS)
A solution for managing customs codes for your products.
Diversità dei fornitori
The solution for tracking diversity in your supply chain, including small-businesses, minority ownership, and woman-owned enterprises.
Codice di condotta dei fornitori
Align suppliers with your values using our code of conduct solution.
Sistema di assicurazione degli standard di lavoro
We create the cross-supply chain collaboration needed for LSAS due diligence reporting.
Tratta di esseri umani e schiavitù
Locate and eliminate hidden human trafficking and slavery risks from your supply chain.
Anticorruzione, Anticorruzione
Grow better with Assent’s anti-bribery, anti-corruption solution.
Minerali estesi (Cobalto + Mica)
Our complete responsible minerals solution, including cobalt and mica reporting.
Minerali di conflitto
See how our Responsible Minerals — Conflict Minerals solution gives deep transparency into mineral sourcing.
Metalli speciali DFARS
Our solution will give you transparency needed to meet your DFARS requirements.