La nostra piattaforma e le sue funzionalità
La piattaforma per la sostenibilità della catena di approvvigionamento di Assent: osserva più a fondo, prendi decisioni più intelligenti e cresci al meglio.

Sviluppata appositamente per aziende di prodotti complessi
ExpertiseWith nearly 200 years
of combined
experience our
experts have helped
the world’s biggest
companies achieve
their sustainability
goals. -
SaaS Platform
- Sustainability Network
- Automated Document Review
- Supplier Engagement
- API & Reporting
Offerings- Supplier Engagement
- Advisory Services
- Program Management

Environmental, Social and Governance
Because supply chains were never built with sustainability in mind, our solution goes deeper than suppliers to their products, and even substances within parts, to illuminate and document your sustainable supply chain. We provide an ESG foundation that guides your sustainability program to meet investor and customer expectations.
- Responsible minerals, including tin, tungsten, tantalum, gold, cobalt, and mica
- Anti-Bribery Anti Corruption due diligence
- Human rights, slavery, and trafficking due diligence
- ESG risk monitoring for supply chain sustainability
Product Compliance
Product and supply chain data is at the heart of everything you do. Assent is the product compliance expert, deep-mapping all the data you need to comply with international product regulations that keep your customers and the environment safe, all while maintaining your competitive edge.
- REACH Regulation
- RoHS Directive
- Proposition 65
- Toxic Substances Control Act
- SCIP and Waste Framework Directive
- Full material disclosures
Trade Compliance
Assent gives you the supply chain transparency to maximize your market reach and profit margins — including data to make smarter decisions about tariffs and trade agreements, navigate the changing sanctions landscape, and track product naming and customs codes. Because you can’t grow where you can’t go.
- Trade Classification & Origin (TCO)
- Trade agreements
- HS and HTS Codes
SaaS Platform
Built to serve the world’s largest and most complex global manufacturing supply chains, down to the parts of parts level. Continual updates help you navigate the ever-evolving regulatory landscape.
- Secure, low-friction Supplier Portal to improve supplier engagement
- Assent integrates with your ERP or PLM system
- Multi-language, 24/7 support
Service Offerings
Assent is more than software alone — we provide supplier engagement, advisory services, and managed programs to give you a total package platform solution. Our team of over 800 problem solvers is ready to partner with you.
- Supplier engagement: we work with your suppliers to collect and validate data, and educate them about mission critical needs
- Advisory services: our experts help develop strategies and plans for meeting your program’s goals
- Managed programs: reduce internal costs, mitigate risks, and easily scale
Regulatory Expertise
With over 200 years of combined expertise in regulations, ESG, and compliance, our in-house experts help you take a proactive approach to sustainability by providing guidance and monitoring ever-evolving global regulations.
- Our team of experts keeps Assent’s solution up to date with the latest regulatory changes
- Assent experts sit on industry committees, helping shape the future of supply chain sustainability
- Our experts have helped the world’s biggest companies achieve their sustainability goals
The Assent Sustainability Network
We continuously deep-map your suppliers, products, parts, and supply chain connections, giving you deeper visibility and business intelligence through the Assent Sustainability Network.
- Tap into our massive database of products, parts, suppliers, and sourcing data
- The world’s largest and continuously growing map of the manufacturing genome

Tutto il necessario in un'unica piattaforma
Conformità dei prodotti
Conformità commerciale
Conformità dei prodotti
Le normative sbarrano quasi tutti i principali mercati del mondo: rispettarle può risultare una sfida per le aziende di prodotti complessi. Sviluppata appositamente per queste catene di approvvigionamento, Assent si occupa di mappare l’intero genoma produttivo in modo tale da metterti sempre a disposizione i dati necessari per ottenere e mantenere l’accesso ai mercati.
Soluzioni per la conformità dei prodotti
Indicatori ambientali, sociali e di governance
Attira gli investitori e rafforza il tuo brand tramite un programma di indicatori ambientali, sociali e di governance (ESG) in continua evoluzione che si concentri su ciò che conta di più per la tua azienda.
Conformità commerciale
Assent ti aiuta a compiere scelte più intelligenti evitando interruzioni e scoprendo efficienze di costo grazie a una gestione approfondita e accurata dei dati relativi a prodotti e parti.
Principali soluzioni per la conformità commerciale
Scopri cosa si cela nella tua catena di approvvigionamento
Soluzioni per la trasparenza: dalla conformità dei prodotti ai criteri ESG.
Caso studio: Woodward inc.
Woodward Inc. serve alcuni dei più grandi produttori del settore aerospaziale e necessita di dati approfonditi della sua catena di approvvigionamento per soddisfare le sue esigenze. Scopri in che modo Woodward Inc. ha aumentato la sua capacità di garantire conformità e ridotto i costi generali grazie ad Assent.
Scarica subito