
Deep Visibility Into Your ESG Impacts

The CSRD is transforming the way companies handle transparency and accountability, requiring that you report and identify all significant environmental, social, and governance (ESG) IROs within your operations and throughout your entire value chain.

For the first time, the CSRD mandates that in-scope businesses conduct comprehensive due diligence on their value chain. Since most ESG risks are found beyond the immediate boundaries of your organization, it’s crucial that you take immediate action to achieve and maintain global compliance.

High Stakes, Mounting Pressure:
Meeting Demands for Enhanced Sustainability Reporting

Feeling the pressure from all sides to step up your ESG reporting? You’re not alone. The scope of the CSRD is expanding, first impacting large EU public companies and then reaching large non-EU companies by 2028. Even businesses not yet required to report will soon feel the need for data collection as demands from stakeholders trigger a domino effect across value chains.


And as the CSRD is implemented, the cost of inaction has never been higher, including fines up to €75,000 and even imprisonment. But the risks don’t stop there — you could also lose ground to competitors, experience brand damage, and face increased scrutiny from investors and auditors as well as legal challenges.

To protect your business, it’s critical to proactively engage your value chain and align your practices with the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) and other international benchmarks.


Elevate Your Approach to the CSRD

Understanding and reporting on the intricacies of your value chain is a daunting task for any manufacturer. It involves identifying which entities and issues within your network of global suppliers, customers, and distributors are most crucial. Tackling this alone is overwhelming, and it’s only the beginning of meeting CSRD compliance requirements.

The CSRD demands more than just reporting on IROs; it requires a holistic approach to compliance and sustainability. As a manufacturer, you are expected to not only outline but also implement comprehensive strategies to reduce future impacts and risks. Engaging effectively and continuously with your value chain is vital to pinpointing and mitigating the most significant risks and impacts.

Detlev Louis Stays One (or Two) Steps Ahead of Requirements

“We’re very happy with the results … [Without Assent], we wouldn’t be able to get the answers we’ve been getting. We wouldn’t be able to understand our hidden risks.”

— Daniel Rankin, Harmful Substances Manager, Detlev Louis

Assent’s Approach to CSRD Compliance

Assent delivers the tools, knowledge, and support you and your value chain need to to avoid fines, protect your brand, and achieve scalable, long-term due diligence goals.

One Vendor for All Your Supply Chain ESG Reporting Needs, Including the CSRD & Beyond

After using the Assent CSRD Materiality solution to identify your most important value chain entities and topics, you are ready to begin collecting and reporting data from your value chain to meet CSRD requirements. 

Assent’s ESG solution is tailored to meet your unique needs for CSRD compliance and broader ESG objectives.

The Assent ESG solution addresses your toughest sustainability challenges within and throughout the value chain to support your reporting demands with first-party data, expert insights, and clear guidance on how to enhance your program.

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